There were three 24-hour challenges on the Carley and Creata FB group this weekend. The themes were "Something Scottish", "Bells" and "Saucy". Here are my gets you thinking when you take part in challenges like this, for instance, for the "Saucy" one, I knew I had some Mary Rahder decoupage somewhere, so had to have a rummage to find it, otherwise it would have stayed where it was, not totally forgotten about, but not being used either !
I apologise for this, I hand drew the thistle as I had nothing else that fitted the bill !
This one got me doing iris folding, something I haven't attempted in a while...
And here's the Mary Rahder decoupage...I didn't layer her up as time was against me, but I think the designs work well on a single layer, and it will go through the post at no extra cost !